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How do I sell my car to WeWantAnyCar?

Our hassle-free car selling service couldn't be simpler!

Begin by entering your vehicle registration on our website and click the 'value my car' button. You'll then be asked to enter some more details such as mileage and contact details.

Our online system will calculate a pre-inspection valuation. When you accept this offer our customer services team will call you to book an appointment with one of our friendly vehicle buyers.

During the online appraisal appointment, a short video inspection will be carried out using secure online technology and the camera on your mobile phone or tablet. A final offer will be calculated and offered to you based on the vehicle condition, mileage, paperwork and current market prices.

If you are happy with our final offer, we will arrange to collect your vehicle within 48 hours (up to 72 hours at busy times) and we will pay you instantly via bank transfer.

Do you have any other questions?
Contact online or phone us on 01543 479 570

Calls cost 3.5p/minute from a BT landline. Other service providers including mobiles may be higher. In addition you will be liable to pay your service provider's access cost.